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Prve fotografije sa mesta zločina u Novom Sadu Ovde je sin (21) brutalno presudio majci, policija zatekla horor, svi u šoku: Bio je problematičan, ali... (foto)

U noći između subote i nedelje u jednoj zgradi u Novom Sadu došlo je do strašnog zločina kada je, kako se sumnja, sin M.K. (21) nožem izbo majku A.R. (47)! - Živeli su sami majka i sin, koliko znam, i dalje ne mogu da verujem šta se dogodilo. Mladić je bio problematičan, nekako na svoju [...]

The main conceptual idea of the text is the tragic and shocking case of a 21-year-old son in Novi Sad, Serbia, who brutally murdered his mother with a knife. The text highlights: * The gruesome nature of the crime: Police found a horrific scene in the apartment. * The age of the perpetrator and the victim: The son, described as "problematic," committed the crime against his 47-year-old mother. * The shock and disbelief of the community: Neighbors expressed surprise and sadness, as they never expected the son to be capable of such violence. * The ongoing legal proceedings: The son has been arrested and is being held for 48 hours. The text emphasizes the tragedy of the event and the mystery surrounding the 21-year-old's motivations, particularly mentioning a strange video he published prior to the murder.

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